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Writer's pictureMichele Herren

Out Of The Overflow

I heard Holy Spirit say “Let Me Out” (pause) I went on doing my business of course this went on for some days I heard it again! “Let Me Out” until I finally said, “ What do You mean?” I would be doing my normal day-to-day stuff like cleaning my house. Wait …..Let me set the scene a little bit here so you can feel where I’m going. When I clean I have to crank up the worship music and sing out. I’ll dust the furniture and think about the chapter I read that morning. Take a minute to ponder The Word. Then get up again and sing out loudly and do my next step of getting the house ready to create an atmosphere for His beautiful presence and also for visitors. And of course my family. Do you understand as a believer we are in partnership with God?! We are Stuarts of what we have been blessed with here. We all know or should know He lives on the inside of us. When we received salvation He came in but it doesn’t stop there! So many STOP there! NO NO NO You have only just begun!!!!!! There is so much more but for some ridiculous reason the church or ourselves or whatever we choose to blame it gets left there and there is so much more…we can’t even fathom it in our small minds. It’s bigger powerful amazing but too many are settling. Again NO! David danced wildly in the streets! Jeremiah had a fire shut up in his bones, Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son, Isaiah saw The Lord high and lifted up, and he heard The Lord say who will go for Us, and he shouted I Will Go! Ezekiel saw the river of God ankle-deep to All IN. JESUS went to a cross to die. Look at the passion and love! The willingness to do the radical thing got the deeper closer to God!!! And God is calling us deeper! Calling us to be ALL in. Call it radical call it crazy call it undignified, uncivilized a Jesus Freak but DEEP is calling to DEEP! But so many don’t know exactly what all this means! I didn’t until I began to pay attention! I got myself quiet and put the distractions aside and I said please tell me what You mean. Could this be the key? Getting out of the idea of a religious must-do mentality to an I love You God so much there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do, anywhere I wouldn’t go if You are leading me? Like Moses said in Exodus 33:15 “If Your presence does not go [with me], do not lead us up from here.” Moses got it! So The chapter before was the golden calf and you know that story. If not read Exodus 32. So God says to Moses I’ll send an angel and you can go into the promised land you can have the land promised with milk and honey but I’m not going with you my presence is not going. Moses and God continue to have a conversation which if you read in chapter 33 you’ll see what Moses’ heart was…his desire to be a friend of God and he was!!!! He desired to know him intimately he desired his presence more than anything. He did his part in the relationship. This is what it is all about folks it’s not just a Christian catchphrase “it’s not about religion it’s about relationship“. Guess who loves to create boxes and confinement the fallen nature. And seriously if we don’t get to this point we won’t get any further in our walk with God. We will go as far as our natural flesh will take us. Doing for God is not What this is ALL about. Remember when Jesus says in Matthew 7 depart from me “ I never knew you” A friendship with the living God. Knowing Him intimately. Knowing his heart getting to know what’s on his mind. This takes our devotion to Him our love our Worship! Why because He is Worthy and He has asked us to Marry Him! Not works, not healing the sick, not raising the dead not casting out demons makes us right with God. It is entering the relationship He has offered to you through LOVE! God is not asking you to become religious and put you in a box or to put Him in a box! This is freedom He is offering! We live out of the overflow by walking in His Spirit living out of the relationship that we put into with Him. All ministry overflows out of this! We rule and reign from the third Heaven! We are seated already in Heavenly places. Jesus meant it when He said IT IS FINISHED!

May you press in deeper,


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