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Truth is Unstoppable

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. Try playing a song with no words. The sound may be beautiful, but then add the lyrics to the instrumental. What happens? It tells the story trying to be conveyed through the music, from the one who wrote the song. What did they use? Words.

According to scripture, God spoke and the world came into existence and order. Wasn’t it words the serpent used to trick Eve to doubt God? “Did God say?” he asked.

Words can make or break. Words can paint a picture to your destiny. Words can cause a relationship to blossom or be destroyed. Words can bring understanding to confusion or utterly confuse you. They can build up or tear down. They can be used to manipulate. Words will unmask lies and bring out truth. Which by the way is bigger than you or I (not your truth, or my truth). Actually, this is very small thinking and narcissistic to believe that. My son and I joke about that quite a bit.

Depending on how they are used, “words that is,” and the spirit behind them, words have an affect. No, not just an affect, they are creative. Words are a fortress and a defense. Have you ever met someone, when they are insulted it just rolls off their back? My husband is like that. I tend to admire this trait in him. He’s confident in ways that really bring me to awe. After doing some digging and questioning, my theory is, his mother spoke a lot of kind words to him. Encouraged the good inside of him. He took those words spoken over him and developed a belief system. You don’t think words have power? The latest phrase I hear coming from the young adults too often is this, “Oh, it’s just words.”

Yet, it’s words themselves conveying this message to get them to believe that their words don’t matter. Think about that. Why am I writing my blog today about words? Because words are a weapon. I recently heard a minister say this, “We are to watch what we say, especially in a time of war” (which I believe we are in right now). They are calling it an information war. Basically lies and truth are colliding. Trust me not because I’m saying it, but because God said it, truth wins.

The Bible (The Word of God) has masterfully been formed and gathered together to convey a message from God Himself, of His goodness, of His love for humanity, to reveal truth and unmask the lies. His desire for us is to know Him, and to do that is to gain what He desires for us, eternal life with Him. Can you believe that? He has no other ulterior motive, nothing selfish within that, just to love you. Do you find those words hard to believe? It’s because an enemy took words, twisted them and we ate them like the apple from the tree. But God - sent the Word - made Him flesh and He dwelt among us. Yes, the man Jesus! How powerful is that?

In Jewish culture, they speak over their children what is called, “The Blessing,” because they understand the power of words. Did you know the Father spoke over Jesus after His baptism? He spoke identity and approval and launched Jesus into His ministry on earth. He spoke! From the cross Jesus announced, “It is finished!” And I’ll finish with this…Jesus has and is the last Word!

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